
How to Make Your House Smell Good


It doesn’t matter how often you clean and deodorize, you’re bound to encounter unpleasant odors – even if you have a regular house cleaning service that keeps your home always guest-ready. It is inevitable that odors enter your home as you cook, eat, sleep, and use the bathroom, which is why you need to learn how to remove them.

From commonly missed cleaning areas to culinary experiments, foul smells can linger in specific rooms or throughout your home. That means wrinkled noses for you and raised eyebrows for guests unless you stop those odors in their tracks. The good news is you can learn how to make your house smell good and prevent offensive odors in the future.

It is important to remove the odor-causing culprits from the house before you can learn how to make it smell good. In some cases, you can usually uncover the source of a very distinct odor in a specific place or room with a bit of detective work. If you don’t want that unpleasant aroma to spread throughout your home, you better tackle those smells right away.

How to get rid of Kitchen Odors


How to get rid of Kitchen Odors

Sometimes it’s not the fish you just cooked that’s causing unpleasant aromas. Kitchen odors can come from your fridge, oven, and trash no matter how sparkling and hygienic your kitchen looks. Use these hacks to deodorize the smelly culprits and leave your kitchen smelling fresh.

Your microwave gets a daily workout and endures spills, grease, and lots of “fragrant” meals. The first step to prevent odors from lingering is to clean your oven or microwave. Line the bottom of your microwave with tin foil to prevent odor-causing buildup between cleanings and let your oven air out after cooking. To get lingering odors out of your microwave, boil one quart of water with lemon slices for three minutes and then let your microwave dry out with the door open.

Your refrigerator can smell pretty bad if it has open containers of food, multiple spills, or hasn’t been cleaned in a while. If it needs a good cleaning, mix a half-cup of baking soda with two quarts of water and use that solution to brush clean and deodorize your refrigerator naturally. Once your fridge is clean, keep an open box of baking soda on a shelf to absorb odors. Double-wrap food with strong odors and keep the lid on containers to help prevent unpleasant smells from returning.

To deodorize a stinking garbage disposal, stop up the sink and mix two tablespoons of baking soda with three inches of warm water. Turn on the disposal and immediately pull out the stopper. The resulting suction pulls the baking soda solution down into the disposal, where it cleans and deodorizes. For quick and easy odor control, toss in some fruit peels and grind them up for a burst of citrus aromas.

How to get rid of Bedroom Odors


How to get rid of Bedroom Odors

From midnight snacks to germs and dead skin cells, your mattress accumulates a lot of odor-causing stuff you’d rather not think about. Give your mattress a quick deodorizing by sprinkling baking soda on it. Let the baking soda sit for two hours and vacuum up the excess.

To keep your bed smelling fresh and clean, deep clean your mattress at least twice a year. Change your bedding at least once a week to help prevent odors.

The clothes we wear and even the places we keep them can create unpleasant odors that give our bedrooms a musty or stale odor. Don’t let dirty clothes stay too long in your bedroom hamper, especially damp, sweaty items. Wash dirty clothes as soon as possible to prevent foul odors and mold.
To keep clean clothes from developing odors when they’re hanging in closets, use crumpled-up newspaper to absorb the sweat and odor from shoes and keep the closet door open as much as possible for ventilation.

How to make your bathroom smell fresh


You already know where a lot of bathroom odors come from, even if your bathroom is sparkling clean. A rule of thumb for toilets is to clean them before they start to look dirty. To clean, deodorize, and get rid of stains, pour one cup of white vinegar into your toilet bowl and let it soak for ten minutes. When the time is up, scrub the bowl, flush it, and enjoy a whiter and fresh-smelling toilet.

Even if you clean your bathroom and toilet like a pro, you’ll still encounter some unwanted aromas. A fragrant candle, diffuser, or other non-chemical deodorizer keeps your bathroom smelling fresh without the danger of toxins.

Since less moisture means less odor-causing mold, use ventilation to help keep the bathroom dry and smelling fresh. Whether showering or using the toilet, keep the exhaust fan running to pull odors and moisture out of the bathroom. When the weather is nice, be sure to open any bathroom windows for a burst of fresh, clean air.

Knowing how to make a house smell good is something anyone can do to make their home a more pleasant place. With a few safe, natural common household items, you can keep your home smelling pleasant and hygienic week after week.

Whether you do it yourself or let Pinkclean take on the house deep cleaning services, we want you to live in the cleanest home possible. If you need help getting your home clean and odor-free our team of experts in deep cleaning in Bangalore are here for you to give your home a fresh start. Get a free estimate today to find out how we can make your house feel more like home.

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